Liquidzen Launceston

CATEGORY: Wellness, Relaxation, Floatation


Why wouldn’t we want to live from abundance, to be open and tapped into our inner power, and be connected to own hearts?

When all we need to do is create the space, unplugging from our daily life and letting go of expectations. That is when we can start creating what we really want. That’s when we begin to understand the power of being to tap into our deepest inner peace.

Enthusiasts of floatation therapy and researchers alike report a host of benefits. The perfect antidote to our busy lives. Finding more inner peace is so doable. So, take a step toward better sleep, less stress and improved performance.

We have three float rooms and loads of session times so you can easily unplug from the world for an hour. Follow the link below to book your float session.


What our mums love about this:

  • •   Floatation helps your body relax


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