The Smart Mum

The Smart Mum is the one stop shop for all your baby and toddler needs for women by women.

We are all mums that connected with each other when we fell pregnant and continued to help and support each other throughout the first years of our babies. Over 2,500 women form part of our network; all mums (to be) of babies and toddlers. We followed each other during the first couple of years of our babies. Many of us were having their first baby, but some of us already had older children. Some went on to have other babies, but there were also mums that lost their babies and grief was shared. Many of us live (far) away from their own mums; on opposite sides of the country or even in different countries and continents. It helped us to have each other, especially when our own support group was small. If you, like us, would love to have access to a great support group, subscribe to our mums group and get access to all the help and advice other mums can give you.


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Mum’s the Word

The Smart Mum is the one stop shop for all your baby and toddler needs for women by women.

We are all mums that connected with each other when we fell pregnant and continued to help and support each other throughout the first years of our babies. Over 2,500 women form part of our network; all mums (to be) of babies and toddlers. We followed each other during the first couple of years of our babies. Many of us were having their first baby, but some of us already had older children. Some went on to have other babies, but there were also mums that lost their babies and grief was shared. Many of us live (far) away from their own mums; on opposite sides of the country or even in different countries and continents. We built a network of thousands of mums and would like to share the knowledge and experience built by this amazing group of mums over the years.

Our Favourite Products


The Best Lactation Cookies

These are the best biscuits; you will have to hold yourself back from eating too many. Just as a warning the recipe makes a massive batch: 60+ good size biscuits. Source: Bakes 60+ cookies INGREDIENTS  3 Tablespoons Brewer’s Yeast (do not substitute) 2 Tablespoons Flaxseed Meal 3 Cups Slow Rolled Oats (found these in the bins at my local health foods store) 2 Cups of Organic Dark Chocolate Chips…
See Recipe
Self Care

Me Time

One of the things that most mums struggle with is ME time. We spent all our time taking care of our families, our home, our life, but what about ourselves. We often forget how important it is to look after oneself.

We have collected the best tips and advice from our mums on how to take care of yourself. Take some time out just for you. You will see what a difference that makes. Whether it is just 10 minutes to have a cup of tea or a whole day of self indulgence, you will find the best idea
