Why need this
So Many Things To Carry...
The days you left the house with just a purse are over! Babies seem to need a ridiculous amount of items when they go out. You will need nappies, wipes and a change mat to change them. Nappy bags and nappy cream as well. You will need a change of clothes if they would soil themselves. You might need a burb cloth, hot water, formula, bottles and teats. Potentially a dummy and some toys too. On top of that you probably will bring some snacks or food and maybe some hand sanitiser and sunscreen. That is all for baby it does not yet include your own purse, phone, a water bottle and maybe some snacks. Try to fit all that in your regular hand bag. Nope, no chance, right?! Most of our mums got themselves a nice nappy bag to carry all those additional items and keep them organised. Luckily there are many different options, so you will find a nappy bag that is right for you.
Use it for
Whenever You Are Not At Home
What to use your nappy bag for? Well, when not to use it is an easier question to answer. You only do not need your nappy bag when you are at home and have all your items readily available. Whenever you get out of the house with bubs, you will need a nappy bag. You will take it to the shops, your appointments, on an outing, on holidays, for coffee catch ups, family visits, etc, etc. Our mums experienced that it wlll always be at the moment that you thought you would not need everything, that your baby will surprise you with that one thing you were not expecting, leaving you yearning for the items you left at home. We just never know what our babies will do and therefore you will need all of this. Over time you will find that your baby becomes more predictable and you do not need all those items, but on the other hand there will be new things you need like a change of clothes and clean undies for a toilet accident or lunch boxes to keep them going. Be wise and invest in a great nappy bag that will last you for many years!

Our Mum’s Tips
7 Tips For Buying A Nappy Bag
Our mums have shared a lot of their thoughts and experiences about nappy bags over the years. Things they consider most important when buying a nappy bag are the following:
- Man friendly – Most likely you are the one carrying the nappy bag most of the time, but daddy will have time with bubs too and he will need those items as well. A man-friendly bag will go a long way in making it easy for hubby to carry it around too.
- Easy to organise – We all know what our hand bags can look like – complete chaos! You nappy bag will hold so many items and you might find yourself in a situation that you need to be able to instantly grab something, so a well organised nappy bag is the way. A bag with great compartments will help you get organised.
- Easy to reach – Mums only have two hands and that is not enough. You will find yourself holding your baby with one arm and looking for stuff with the other hand. A bag that makes it easy to reach all items is well worth the investment.
- Clips – Many nappy bags have the option to clip to your pram, so you do not have to carry the bag yourself. It doubles up as a nice storage for your shopping items prohibited you have not filled it up completely already.
- Easy to carry – It is a great feature if your nappy bag clips to your pram, but you might not always have your pram with you. In those situations you should still be able to easily carry your nappy bag. You might also find that your pram cannot go everywhere and you might leave it behind safely while taking bub and all your other items.
- Hands free – when you are carrying bub you would like to have both hands free, so a nappy bag that will allow you to carry it over the should or on your bag will get you a long way.
- Pockets – in additional to the organisational qualities of your nappy bag, pockets are an important element. They will hold all those loose items in place and make it easy to find what you are looking for.

Recommended Products
The Nappy Bags Our Mums Really Love
- The Mimco Mim-Mazing Baby Bag is loved by many of our mums because it does not look like a nappy bag.
- The The Nappy Society Original Baby Bag Insert Bundle can go with any bag, is made of leather and has all the required compartments. Hubby can easily use it in a different bag.
- The Isoki Madame Polly Esperance Nappy Bag is sold at many baby stores (Baby Road, Baby and Toddler Town, Myer, Babymode, Baby Bounce), has a great size and doubles up as an overnight bag.
- The Vanchi Steffi Carryall matches the brown handles on the Strider Compact and looks great. It fits everything.
- The JJ Cole Arrington Nappy Bag can be bought cheaper on Ebay according to our mums.
- The Laura Jones are loved by our mums because of the pretty pattern inside and inclusion of a change mat.
- The Prene Sunday Bag are not specific nappy bag, but our mums believed these to be great for multiple use.
- The Collette Nappy Bag is thought to be much better than others by some of our mums. It fits many items.
- The Zippy Bag by Cheeky Little Dude fits all the basics and has handy straps with snaps.
- Other nappy bags our mums loved: JuJu B.F.F. Nappy Bag, bub. Remi Nappy Bag, Sage and Luna Leda Nappy Bag, Country Road Multi Pocket Baby Bag, Il Tutto Layla Nappy Bag also sold at The Baby Closet and Baby and Toddler Town), August + Poppy Nappy Change Mats