Why need this
Trying for a Baby
Are you trying for a baby? Or is your period late and are you wondering if it could be? One of the very first things that will tell us that we are pregnant, is a pregnancy test. You can go to your general practitioner for a test, but most of us will do test at home first. At your local supermarket or chemist you will find many pregnancy test kits. They are as easy as dipping the stick in your urine or even peeing on the stick itself. Within a couple of second you will get your result. Imagine that feeling when you see that second line appear! Will you keep it quiet for a while and enjoy knowing that a tiny miracle is growing in your belly/ Or will you shout it from the rooftop? Whatever you do, a pregnancy test will most likely be the first thing to confirm that you are pregnant. Enjoy!
Use it for
Checking for Pregnancy
Pregnancy tests come in different forms and shapes. For us that are trying to fall pregnant and cannot wait to find out if it worked, there are pregnancy tests that will tell you as early as 6 days before your missed period. Some tests use red instead of blue dye and seem to be able to pick up an increased level of pregnancy hormone (HCG) in your urine quicker than others. However, the closer you are to your expected period the more likely you will have enough pregnancy hormone in your urine to return a positive test, if you are pregnant that is… Some tests have a digital reader and tell you if you are pregnant and even for how long, but many tests require you to compare a potential second line to a control line. The experienced ladies among us, will know all about squinting their eyes to detect that second line. If you then see that positive confirmation that you are pregnant, it will most likely be the happiest feeling in the world!

Our Mum’s Tips
Get Yourself the Best Test
Our mums have shared a lot of their thoughts and experiences about pregnancy tests over the years. Things they consider most important when buying a pregnancy test are the following:
- Dye colour – red dye will pick up pregnancy earlier than blue dye
- Test sensitivity – some test can pick up pregnancy as early as 6 days before your missed period or at a pregnancy hormone level (HCG) of 25.
- Digital or not – a digital reader will tell you yes/no and will leave out the second guessing and eye squinting of looking for a second line, but might not give you a positive when in fact you would be able to see a faint second line.
- Cost – cheap pregnancy test can be a cost saver if you would like to regularly test, but they are not always as accurate as more expensive ones.
- Weeks’ indicator – if you want to know how far along you are, you can use a pregnancy test with a weeks’ indicator that will tell you exactly how many weeks you are pregnant.

The Pregnancy Tests Our Mums Like
- Clearblue® Pregnancy Test with weeks indicator is preferred by our mums because of its clear yes/no and that this is a top brand. Our mums find these tests very reliable and they love the additional feature of a weeks’ indicator.
- First Response Early Result In-stream pregnancy test is the best test for early pregnancy detection. The red dye tests seems to be more accurate than the blue due tests. Our mums had great results with these tests up to a week before their period was due.
- Ebay cheap test strips are the best when you want to test frequently and do not want to spend a lot of money on your tests. These are so cheap that you can easily test everyday since your fertile window to see that line appear as early as possible.