Why need this
Babies Settle Well On You
A mum carries her baby for about 9 months before they are born. Our babies are used to bump along with you, hearing your heart beat and feeling your body’s warmth. When they are born, this does not suddenly change and carrying your baby might be the most natural way to get your baby to sleep and calm them down. It might be the most best place for your baby to be, but carrying your baby in your arms will inhibit you to do anything else and a baby carrier can make all the difference in the world. With a baby carrier you can carry that precious little baby on your chest without the need to hold them in your arms. They will lay close to your heart and be calmed by the sound of the rhythmic beating. No need to worry about them being too warm or too cold, your body will regulate baby’s temperature automatically. Babies often drift off to sleep when they are carried this way and a trip to the shops might be so much easier without the need to push your pram.
Use it for
When You Need Your Hands Free
Most mums find that their baby carrier is one of the best products they bought. It comes in handy in so many different ways that you will wonder how other mums go without one. The most common reason to use a carrier is to carry your baby when out. Whether it is to walk the dog, go for a stroll or for the weekend outing, a baby carrier will let you carry your baby anywhere. A carrier is one of the most important items for traveling with a baby, especially on planes. You cannot take a regular pram on board of a plane, so even if you check it in as luggage, you will not have anything to carry your baby from check in to boarding. While boarding it is also much easier to keep your hands free to carry your bag and other small items. Even during the flight, it might be the best way to rock your baby to sleep. Babies sleep very well when on their parents’ chest and some only sleep that way. When you are very tired yourself and might doze off to sleep while hugging your baby, it can be safest to carry your baby, so they cannot slip off your chest and drop on the floor. A baby carrier is also convenient when navigating narrow and busy places when a pram would be a nuisance to push. With your baby on your chest, you can walk around as you would do on your own and you do not have to worry about steps and narrow aisles. A baby carrier will keep your hands free while carrying your baby, something a pram cannot do and will be great for a shopping trip where you would like to look at items or have to pick items. As you see, there are so many moments that you would use your baby carrier. It will be one of the best things you will ever buy!

Our Mum’s Tips
8 Tips For When You Buy A Carrier
Our mums have shared a lot of their thought and experiences about carriers over the years. Things they consider most important when buying a carrier are the following:
- Breathable mesh – in our warm climate it will be much more comfortable for you and your baby when the carrier is made of breathable mesh. It will keep you cool and fresh during your adventures!
- Ergonomic – although babies are only tiny and do not weigh much, it can be burdensome to carry a couple of extra kilos for hours at a time. Therefore, invest in a good ergonomic carrier, that will be good for your back and keep your baby in a safe position too.
- Easy, quick to use – the easier your carrier is to use, the more you will use it. Check out a few different carriers to see which ones are easiest to use.
- Extended use – babies grow quickly, so think about how your carrier will grow with your bub. Some carriers have newborn insert options and allow to carry up to 4 years or beyond.
- Newborn insert – newborns are so small, that you might need an insert to carry them safely. Investigate what the recommendations are for your carrier.
- Different positions – as babies grown, so change their preferences as how to be carried. Some carriers allow for baby to be facing you, facing out, be on your back or hip. Check out what options your carrier offers.
- Wrap, sling, carrier or hiking backpack – there are a few different options when it comes to carriers. It is based on your child’s age, preference and budget what will be the best option for you.
- For ring sling: what type of material – when buying a ring sling, consider that metal will slide easier than plastic and make your life a lot easier.

Recommended Products
The Wrap Carriers Our Mums Really Love
- The Hug-a-Bub Wrap Carrier might take a bit of practice, but you can put it on in the morning and put bub in when ready.
- The Burrow Wrap Carrier you can also put on before your leave and pop bubs in when ready. Our mums love the fabric and prints; soft and beautiful material.
- The K’tan Carrier is quick and easy to use. You basically just put it over your head and pull it up around bub; no wrapping required. They come in different sizes based on your size.
- Other wraps our mums loved: Checkoh Wrap or the quicker Chekoh Ring Sling, Ergobaby Wrap Carrier, Happy Babby Wrap Carrier, JJ Cole Agility Wrap Carrier, Vixsa Wrap Carrier and Vixsa Ring Sling Carrier, and Elki Wrap.