Oli6® Dairy Goat Infant Formula


Formula, Milk-Intolerance


Oli6® Dairy Goat Infant Formula is a premium goat’s milk-based formula. This breast milk substitute is specially formulated for formula fed babies from birth or when changing from breastfeeding.

Our Dairy Goat Infant Formula balances the natural benefits of goats milk with scientific smarts in development and formulation to make sure your baby’s needs are met every step of the way. To find out more about the benefits of goats milk click here. Oli6® Dairy Goat Infant Formula is proudly manufactured in Victoria, Australia and we ensure that all ingredients used meet strict Australian regulations and requirements. You can rest assured that our formula is a safe choice to support your baby’s nutritional needs.

Source: oli6.com

What our mums love about this:

  • For diagnosed cow milk allergy
  • Gentle on tummies
  • No problems at all
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