Toddler Life – 2-4 years (program)


Books, Parenting, Courses


The toddler years are a wild ride! All of a sudden your baby is changing and entering a new and unfamiliar territory. As a parent it’s confronting to be faced with new and sometimes unexpected behaviours like hitting, melt downs, biting, tantrums and testing the boundaries. It can be hard to know how to respond! We completely understand. The Toddler Life program is here for you, it will transform your journey through toddlerhood and change the way you connect with your toddler. Toddler life also covers sleep for little ones between the ages of 2 and 4. We are here to hold your hand through the toughest hood in town- toddler hood! We have you covered with proven, evidence based kind parenting techniques. Not only can you download your incredibly detailed program instantly to refer to at any time but you can also have unlimited listens of the audio files and 14 days completely free in the KPC Toddler Life Forum.


What our mums love about this:

  • Might help with separation anxiety
  • Parenting techniques

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