Winning the Toddler Stage (online course)


Books, Parenting, Courses


If only toddlers came with an instruction manual.
Real talk: Some days, it probably feels like you’re killin’ it as a parent. But other days? It’s more like parenting’s going to kill you.

Maybe you’ve raised your voice or wanted to pull your hair out more than you’d like to admit.
Maybe you’ve bawled alongside your three-year-old because neither one of you wanted to eat the ever loving broccoli.
Maybe you’ve been giving in to tantrums more and more because you’re flat-out exhausted and just want it to stop.
So, maybe you’re feeling like a bad parent. Please hear this: You are not a bad parent. The fact that you’re reading this right now is proof of your badassery. (Listen, Deena is a professional therapist, and she says so.)

The point is, needing some go-to strategies to help you navigate the tough job of parenting a toddler is perfectly reasonable. And we have looooooads of them.

How to Win the Toddler Stage will help you raise happy, resilient kids who become strong, capable adults.


What our mums love about this:

  • Might help with separation anxiety
  • Great to understand toddler behaviour

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