Why need this
Changing Baby Comfortably
How often do babies poop? When they are newborn they might poo every single feed and you will be feeding them about 7 times a day, according to child health recommendations. You might not necessarily have to change a wet nappy every time, but it is common to do so. That means you will be changing your little one quite often. There is nothing wrong with changing them on the nursery floor, your bed or the couch, but it can get yucky with the baby poo, not to mention the poo tsunamis or boys peeing every single time you have them naked. A change table is a great addition to your nursery. At the right height, with all the items you will need at arm’s reach, it will be so much easier to change your baby. Your back will love you for it!
Use it for
The Right Height And Storage
There are multiple options if it comes to change tables. There are the traditional change tables with storage underneath, ones that include a baby bath and it is possible to use regular drawers as a change table. Most important you will need a place to put down your bubs. Change pillows or mats will offer you a comfortable spot for your bub that is easy to clean as well. You also need nappies, wipes, nappy cream, a bin and potential a change of clothes at arm’s reach, so you do not have to leave your baby on a 1+m high plateau. Storage is therefore an important factor. If you go for regular drawers or change tables that are designed for multiple use, you will get a lot more time out of your change table than just the years that you will be changing nappies. Make sure that you can safely fit a change cushion for bubs and that you have all the space you will need, then you will be more than happy with your change table set up.

Our Mum’s Tips
5 Tips For When You Buy A Change Table
Our mums have shared a lot of their thoughts and experiences about change tables over the years. Things they consider most important when buying a change table are the following:
- Height – Make sure your change table is of the right height. Bending over your baby to change them at the wrong height, will kill your back over time.
- Storage – Leaving your baby alone on the change table poses a great risk of them dropping on the floor, especially when they start moving a lot more. You will need everything at arm’s reach, so make sure you have a change table with the right amount of storage.
- Change mat position – Change tables are arranged for your baby to face you or to have bubs laying sideways. If you do have a preference think about this before you buy your change table.
- Alternative styles – A change table does not have to be a formal change table; it can be whatever drawers, cupboard or table that will provide enough space to comfortably change your baby.
- Future usability – When your baby is on the move, you might transition to pull up nappies and no longer need a change table for changing wet nappies. From 2/3 years old your baby will move out of their daytime nappies, but it might take a bit longer for them to go nappy free at night. You will get a few years out of your change table, but if you would like it to last longer, think about a set up that can be used well after the nappy phase.

Recommended Products
The Multi-Purpose Change Tables Our Mums Really Love
- IKEA KALAX Cube Storage are a good solution for some of our mums too. They love its durability, the large amount of storage and the flexible storage solutions available.
- Some other non-traditional change tables set ups our mums loved: IKEA Brimnes Drawers, IKEA HEMNES Drawers, IKEA MALM Drawers or Amart Spacesaver Drawers.
- Tip! Furniture Risers are a good option to increase the height of normal drawers if needed.