The 7 Best Baby Wipes

Why need this

Catch Baby's Wee and Poo

Nappies are a necessity for any baby. Although there are stories about mums that train their babies to go to the toilet from as early as a few months old, that is not the case for most of us. You do have the option to go for disposable nappies or cloth nappies as a more environment friendly alternative. There is something to say for both options, but ultimately nappies are there to hold your babies wees and poohs. Nothing worse than leaking nappies. Over time you might find that different brands are better for certain stages and a nappy that was your favourite at one time, might not work anymore when your baby is a bit older. The best way to find your preferred nappy it try a few. You can get some samples online or ask the major brands to send you a sample. Simply send them an email requesting a sample to try for you baby. Once you have found the perfect nappy for you, stick with those until you experience new issues. That might be the time to reconsider you nappy choice. There is one for everyone!

Use it for

With Nappies Come... WIPES!

Newborns have very sensitive skin and their bums are so small, you would want a nappy that fits them perfectly. The first week newborn poo is tar like and very sticky. In these early days it is important to check whether they have enough wet and dirty nappies, so a nappy that will help you identify this will be good. Also do not forget about poo tsunamis; your little one will have a few pooh explosions that even the very best fitting nappy might not be able to completely hold. As babies grow they get more active and need nappies that allow them to explore the world. More elasticity for movement or even pull ups to put on easily when they are on their feet. When you go swimming with your little cherub you would like to keep them and the pool clean. Regular nappies will swell up with water and then will no longer be able to hold their wees and poos. A swim nappy is a great solution. It will not hold their wees, but it will contain a poo without it leaking into the pool (if you are quick enough). Besides nappies, you will need wipes. Lots and lots of wipes! Bulk buying is an economical way to stock up on wipes. They need to do the job; effectively clean babies bums but you also need them to be sensitive to baby’s skin and if you can limit the impact on the environment, that is even better. Let’s check out which ones our mums preferred.

Our Mum’s Tips

5 Tips For Buying Baby Wipes

Our mums have shared a lot of their thoughts and experiences about nappies over the years. Things they consider most important when buying nappies are the following:

  • Buy on special – over the years you will spend a fortune on baby wipes. Think about buying your wipes on special. It will save you a few dollars each time.
  • Bulk buy – except for newborn nappies that you will only use for a few weeks, you will go through lots of baby wipes. Bulk buying your wipes might save you some dollars.
  • Fragrance-free – Maybe you like the smell of your baby wipes, but most of our mums prefer fragrance-free baby wipes.
  • Easy to pull – as you will be using these often, nothing more annoying than wipes that do not come out properly. Check before you buy in bulk!
  • Cheapest – you do not really need any high quality for baby wipes, our mums reckon. Go for cheap and save yourself some dollars!
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