Why need this
Issues With Your Milk Supply?
Breastfeeding looks so easy, eh? Just pick up your baby and put them on your breast and off they go. Unfortunately, the truth is often far from that. Breastfeeding is not a skill that we grow up with. As many women tend to hide their breastfeeding in public, it is also not something that we have seen others do much. Therefore, it is something completely new to most of us when we have a baby. During pregnancy courses a midwife will explain to you how to position your baby the best way and how to get them to latch, but as with all things, success comes with practise. Many of our mums also found it difficult that they were not sure if baby was getting enough milk. There is no real way to tell, except for enough wet nappies and a growing baby. When babies are not putting on enough weight or if they are unsettled, it is easy to start doubting whether your milk supply is enough. Breastfeeding is a supply and demand activity, so most often your body will adjust to what your baby needs, but that might take a bit of time and in some cases it just does not work. If you are worried about your supply, please read on what our mums did and what tips and advice they have for you. We are here to support you!
Use it for
Set Yourself Up For Great Breastfeeding
Breast milk has additional health benefits compared to formula, almost all mums have heard that. That is why most of us try to breastfeed and even try to do all we can, when things are not going well. When you are concerned about your milk supply, check out what our mums did and what tips and advice they have for you. That way you can set yourself up for great breastfeeding. There are many things you can do to improve your supply and our mums have tried them all. Try their ideas before your give in. We know how hard this journey can be and we have got you! Also do not forget about the support available to you. Your midwife, GP or lactation consultant can support you in your breastfeeding journey. If you are looking for additional support, visit the Australian Breastfeeding Association website.
As breastfeeding is a supply and demand activity, you may trust that your body is able to adjust to your baby’s needs, but it does not always work. Do not feel disheartened if that happens to you. Our mums truly believe that a fed baby is best and that even without breast milk baby’s do grow up to healthy and strong human beings. Good luck!

Our Mum’s Tips
Top Tips From Our Mums To Improve Milk Supply
Many of our mums struggled with breastfeeding as well. During the first weeks of our newborn babies, many concerns, ideas and tips were shared how to improve breastfeeding issues and concerns. In some cases, it was just a matter of hanging in there and letting your body adjust to your baby, but in other cases it just did not work and our mums found a great formula for their baby instead. Check out the tips and advice that our mums shared and see what is in there for you:
- Health benefits – Every little bit of breastmilk will help baby, so do not give in too easily if you can still bear it; You can always top up with The 15 Best Formula if you will need to. However, it is not worth losing your sanity over, so if it is too tough, there is no shame in giving in.
- Support – Speak to lactation consultant or local child health nurse if you are concerned about breast feeding and milk supply. They are professionals with lots of experience in this field. They are your best go to when things are difficult.
- Lactation support – when you want to improve your supply, check out all options for lactation support. There are also many things you can eat, take or do to improve your supply. Check out our lactation support recipes for instance – great food ideas that our mums love!
- Hydration – you might find that you are always thirsty while you are breastfeeding. Breast milk is a fluid, so no wonder that you will need additional fluids yourself. Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water and be careful with caffeinated drinks as they can dehydrate you.
- Food & drink – Yeast, carbohydrates, oats etc are great in stimulating milk supply. Drink ginger beer and eat carbohydrates like white rice, corn, pasta and potato. Also eat oats, fennel seeds and sugar cane juice. Check out our lactation support recipes, get yourself these cookies or make them yourself.
- Supplements – Fenugreek tablets seem to improve milk supply. You could also get your iron levels checked and supplement if needed.
- Time of day – You likely breastfeed all day and night, but when you know that your milk supply is greatest in the morning, you might want to try to spend a bit of extra time breastfeeding then or if you are expressing, this is the best time for it.
- Warmth – this makes everything flow smoother, so warm your boobs before breastfeeding or pumping. You can do this in the shower or with a heat pack [link].
- Massage – massage your breasts before breastfeeding, massage the other breast while breastfeeding or massage your breasts while pumping. This extra stimulation might make a difference to the amount of milk that will come out.
- Pumping – as breastfeeding is a supply and demand activity, demanding more milk should get supply up. Many of our mums tried pumping for this purpose. You can pump while bubs is feeding on the other side or pump after breastfeeding. Our mums loved to use a Haakaa on the other breast. Or try one of these pumps and if you already have, try another brand to see if there is a difference: Spectra, Medela or Avent.
- 2nd let down – if you are lucky enough to experience a strong let down, you can try for a 2nd let down to produce more milk. Skin on skin with baby, warming and massaging your breast and all other tips in this list, might help you do so.
- Medication – if you have tried everything and are still concerned about your milk supply, you could try medication like Motilium/Domperidone from your GP. The dose can be adjusted if it is not working.

Recommended Products
The Products Our Mum’s Love to Improve Their Milk Supply
In relation to our mums’ tips and advice, there are some products that they recommend for upping your milk supply. Check out these products and see if they will make the difference for you.
- Lactation cookies – try the Boobie Bikkies or bake some yourself with the cookie mix from The Milk Pantry or try out one of our recipes.
- Water bottle – make sure to stay hydrated on the go with this cute water bottle.
- Motilium – Domperidone Tablets – this medicine will be prescribed by your GP if you are experiencing milk supply issues. The dose can be adjusted if it is not working immediately.
- Heat pack [link] – use this to warm your boobs before breastfeeding or pumping.
- Pumps – Spectra, Medela and Avent are the brands our mums used. A Haakaa is a great alternative to an electric pump according to our mums.
- Iron tablets – if you need to supplement on iron, an iron tablet might be all you need.
- Ginger beer – Our mums prefer the Kirk’s ginger beer over other brands. The yeast in it will stimulate your milk supply.
- Formula – if you need to top up or want to feed your baby formula, check out what formula our mums prefer.
- Shakes – an easy breakfast, lunch or snack recipe in the form of a shake. If you pack it with milk stimulating goodies, you might find your supply to go up.
- Fenugreek tablets – these are known to stimulate milk production.
Have you found other things that helped you improve your supply, we would love to hear about it. Please send us a message and tell us about your experience. Together we have got this!