The 17 Best Baby Monitors

Why need this

When Baby Sleeps In Own Room

Babies are noisy little sleepers. Although you might have imagined your baby sleeping next to you in that cute little bassinet for the first couple of months, you might find yourself with a lack of sleep because of the constant grunting and growling from that tiny little human. Some of our mums found their whole families had a much better sleep when their baby slept in their own bedroom. They are still so tiny and vulnerable though and you would like to keep a close eye on them; a monitor is the solution! Also for daytime naps a monitor is a great device to keep an eye on your little cherub while continuing with your chores or taking a moment to yourself. If you have a large soundproof house it will be the best way to know if your baby needs you or is still sleeping. Without it you might be wondering so many times whether you heard them or not. It might be all in your mind and it is so much more relaxed if you can check with a quick look at the monitor. Some of our mums found they could even have a coffee with the neighbours or a dinner across the road while keeping an eye on their sleeping baby on the monitor. A monitor can make your life so much more comfortable!

Use it for

Keep An Eye On Baby From Afar

Mums that own a monitor are using it in so many situations. The most important reason for many mums to buy a monitor is to keep an eye on their little ones while they are asleep and to know when it is time to go in without having to disturb them because you think you might have heard something. During the night it will prevent you from having to leave your warm bed to check on bubs and during the day it will make it so much easier for you to get on with your chores or taking a moment to yourself without worrying that you might not hear them. Many of our mums shared that it was also so much easier to take their little ones to a (dinner) party with friends and put them to sleep being able to keep an eye on them during the entire night while enjoying the night out. Our mums also used their monitors during holidays when bubs was fast asleep in their hotel room and they could have dinner or drinks at the hotel’s facilities. Some monitor solutions will allow you to log in from whenever, so although you would always need someone to be near your baby to take care of them, it would allow you to see how they are doing while at work, during an event or a night out with friends and ease your mind. Once you have one, you will wonder how you could have ever lived without one!

Our Mum’s Tips

8 Tips For Buying A Baby Monitor

Our mums have shared a lot of their thoughts and experiences about monitors over the years. Things they consider most important when buying a monitor are the following:

  • Delay – All monitors have a slight delay, so you might actually hear baby before you can see it on your monitor. The delay is only milliseconds, so no need to worry!
  • Proximity – If you live in a small or noisy house you might not find the need for a baby monitor, but consider the other situations that our mums used their monitors for and you might change your mind.
  • Closed circuit – a closed circuit monitor is unable to be hacked, so keeping your baby even more safe while being able to monitor them yourself.
  • Monitor or app – instead of buying a monitor you could also use an app to monitor you baby. You would need to devices: one to monitor your baby and one to log in to the app to see how they are doing. This will allow you to log in to see your baby from anywhere.
  • Range – A monitor is there to observe your baby from a distance, so adequate range is an important factor in buying your monitor. Nothing worse than finding your monitor is out of reach.
  • Additional monitoring options: Besides audio and video there are more options to monitor your baby. Some devices allow you to check their breathing, temperature and movement while sleeping and warn you when something seems wrong. It might give you some extra peace of mind.
  • High resolution display – a monitor is only good if you can see what is going on. Check the resolution of your display to see if it would allow you to see clearly.
  • Purpose – Which monitor is best for you all depends on what you need it for. Is it just for checking if they are ok or confirming that you indeed hear your bubs then you might be ok with a standard monitor, but if you would feel more at easy knowing that they are breathing well and not having a temperature, then a more advanced monitor might be it.
Recommended Products

The Baby Monitors Our Mums Really Love

  • The Vtech RM5752 Wi-Fi 1080p HD Video Monitor is a cheaper option and does the job according to our mums. You can have a camera in two rooms and it will cycle between them. It is also possible to log in on your phone from anywhere.
  • The Vtech BM5100-OWL Full Colour Video and Audio Monitor is a simple monitor that can support up to 4 cameras and has a good range. Our mums used this for many years and it was still working great for them. They loved the cute design and the fact that is never played up. A solid choice!
  • The Uniden BW 3102R and Uniden BW 3451R are loved by our mums for its great coverage (better than others) and great quality. You can connect up to 4 cameras and cameras can be used without a cord. The picture quality is great, according to our mums.
  • The Lollipop Baby Monitor is available for order online and runs through an app on your phone. You will be able to access from anywhere, anytime. Our mums thought this monitor to be amazing and could not fault it.
  • Other monitors our mums loved: Kodak Cherish C120 Smart Baby Camera which also uses an app for monitoring and the iBaby Care M7 Monitor.
  • Advanced monitoring:
    • The Owlet Monitor Duo 3 is loved by our mums for the additional features, like checking heart rate and oxygen levels and how deep bubs sleeps. Our mums have not experienced any false alarms with these devices and believe it is worth the extra peace of mind. It is possible to check on the go as well, which our mums loved to do.
Vtech RM5752 Wi-Fi 1080p HD Video Monitor
Vtech BM5100-OWL Full Colour Video and Audio Monitor
Uniden BW 3102R
Uniden BW 3451R
Lollipop Baby Monitor
Kodak Cherish C120 Smart Baby Camera
iBaby Care M7 Monitor
Owlet Monitor Duo 3
Oricom Video Monitor 3.5″ Touchscreen SC870WH
Oricom Secure710 2.4″ Digital Video Baby Monitor
Oricom Babysense7 Breathing Movement Monitor
Snuza Pico
AC027 Angelcare® Baby Movement Monitor
Arlo Baby 1080p HD Monitoring Camera
Cloud Baby Monitor
Alfred Security Camera
Baby Monitor 3G