The 38 Hospital Bag Essentials

Why need this

Pack Hospital Bag Ahead

You are in your third trimester or you already are thinking about all the things you will need when you are in hospital for labour. Some women birth their babies at home by choice or just because that is the way it happened, but most of us will have their babies in the hospital and there might not be a lot of time to pack your bags when labour has started; trust us, it will be the last thing on your mind at that moment. Our mums prepared their hospital bags at least a couple of weeks before their due date. What items to fit in, was a great topic during those days. If you want to be sure that you have whatever you need and do not overpack, read what our mums believe is essential. You will be so organised!

Use it for

Just Grab and Go

Imagine that you are at home or anywhere else and you have just realised that you are in labour. First time labour can be slow, but it does not have to be. You might also be overwhelmed by what is happening to your body and want to get to a place where there are people that are able to help you. At those moments, there is nothing better than to be able to just grab the bags that you have prepared and are ready to go with all the items you will need. Not need to worry about what to take, no looking for something you have misplaced, just grab your bags and jump in the car on your way to the hospital.

Our Mum’s Tips

3 Tips For Packing Hospital Bag

Our mums have shared a lot of their thoughts and experiences about hospital bag essentials over the years. Things they consider most important when packing your hospital bag are the following:

  • Home birth or in hospital – pack your bags a couple of weeks before your due date if you will go to the hospital. If not, make sure you have everything you need where you will be able to find it easily.
  • Short or long stay – will you go to the hospital only for the hours or labour and go back home soon after or will you stay for a couple of days or even up to a week. We do not always know this beforehand, so packing two bags might be a good idea. One for during labour and another one for staying overnight. If you need to stay longer, your partner or support person might be able to bring you some extra things.
  • Birth plan – have you made a birth plan? Otherwise check out this free birth plan generator. If you already have, what is on it and what do you need for it? Make sure you will pack all those things, so it will not be because of a missing item that you will miss out on your perfect birth experience.

Do not forget to check out our free hospital bag checklist, with all those items that you will need!

Recommended Products

The Hospital Bag Items Our Mums Like

  • Water bottle spray – to spray on yourself when going to toilet. Going to the toilet can be a bit scary straight after birth and it might sting a bit because you are still healing and might have some stitches. A water bottle to dilute your urine will reduce the stinging.
  • Wet wipes – wiping after toileting might not be so comfortable after birth. Wet wipes make it easier to clean yourself than regular toilet paper.
  • Heat pack – to sooth any pains you might have after birth.
  • Lansinoh Nipple Cream – the best nipple cream for when your nipples are raw and sore from breastfeeding. It takes a bit of time for your nipples to get used to this activity and your might also experience some breastfeeding issues to start off with. Lanisoh has been a life saver for our mums.
  • Nursing pads – you put these pads in your bra to prevent any leaking from your breast. Not all women experience this issues, but it is possible that without these pads you might soak your shirt every time you think about baby.
  • Chargers – at that prime moment of birth you want your support person to be able to take that first picture of your baby. As labour can take a long time and you might use your phone to play music or just browse the web, it is important to take some chargers. You do not want to have a flat battery at that prime moment! Original Apple with Apple Cable or a Regular Charger with Cable.
  • Clothes layers – being comfortable throughout and after labour is most important. Loose clothes and items that can be easily removed are the best go to, according to our mums. Read our article about what to wear during labour.
  • Snacks – labour can take a long time and hospitals do not always provide lots of snacks between meal times and often not for support people as well, so pack your bag with snacks that will get both you and your support person through those hours of labour.
  • Tissues – for tears, cleaning yourself or wiping something up, tissues are always great to have at hand
  • Lip balm – the air in hospitals can be dry and you might get a bit dehydrated during and after labour. Lip balm will keep you lips hydrated and soft.
  • Hair ties – to keep your hair out of your face during labour or to tie up your hair after waking up. You just will not have the time or feel like doing your hair in those first couple of days, so hair ties are the way to go.
  • Pillow – are you one of those people that only sleep well on their own pillow? Take this bit of comfort from home when you go to hospital. It is important that you are comfortable and can get your rest to heal quickly.
  • Tea – hospitals often only provide regular English breakfast tea. If you would prefer something else, pack your own tea so you can make yourself a nice cuppa and relax. You have deserved it! Check out T2’s Gorgeous GeishaGreen Rose or Fruitalicious.
  • Body wash – labour is messy business and you would like to clean yourself up when you are ready after birth. Having a nice body wash that will make you feel relaxed and refreshed will be so good. You might like these travel packs for your hospital bag: Palmolive, Palmer’s, or Colgate.
  • Maternity pads – after birth it is recommended to use maternity pads for the bleeding. These are bigger than regular pads. One pack is enough for your hospital bag as you can always let someone get some more if you need to stay longer. Several brands are available: Libra,Stayfree, TOM Organic, U by Kotex, or Cottons.
  • Book – newborn babies are a lot of work, but they also sleep a lot. For if you stay longer, you would like to pack yourself a good book to read. Also during the early stages of labour, you might still be ok to read a book to pass time. Browse the books our mums love.
  • Pens and notebook – you might want to write a little note for your midwives, need to remember something, fill out some paperwork. Whatever it is, pen and paper is always good to have on hand.
  • Ipod – better than draining your phone battery to play music during labour, you might want to take an ipod. If you create a great playlist beforehand, you will be all set to enjoy your favourite music while you birth.
  • Maternity clothes – Breastfeeding friendly clothes, bras and pjs are a must as you will be feeding your baby up to 7 times a day, so you will need to access your breasts many times a day.
  • Labour clothes – most mums end up naked during labour, but if you have an idea of what you want to wear during your labour, make sure you pack this. You cannot wear undies or pants during labour, but some wore a nighty, big t-shirt, sarong or maternity crop top or bra to feel a bit more comfortable, especially during the earlier stages of labour. It is a good idea if you do not mind to throw these clothes out as they might get soiled during labour.
  • Water bottle – to stay hydrated during labour and after birth. Kmart sells these nice two: Pink Palm or Winter Jungle.
  • Camera – maybe you will just use your phone, but at least you want to make sure you have a device that can take pictures at that prime moment of birth.
  • Baby clothes – although your midwives or obstetrician might have said something about how big your baby is, you do not really know until they are there. You would not be the first mum that is surprised with a very different size baby than expected. Pack baby clothes in different sizes (00000, 0000, 000) so you will have something that will fit.
  • Wraps/swaddles – in hospital your baby might not wear any clothes yet, just a newborn nappy and wraps or swaddles. Hospitals normally provide these wraps, but if you would like something cute, pack some in your hospital bag.
  • Take home outfit – you will make many pictures of that very first moment that you will bring your baby home. Many mums like to have a cute outfit for this moment.
  • Newborn nappies and wipes – hospitals likely provide you with some nappies and wipes, but not always, so make sure you have a pack available.
  • Toiletries – even when you stay only for the hours of labour, you would like to freshen up after birth. Taking some essential toiletries is a must.
  • Recovery shorts – many of our mums liked to wear some recovery shorts (tight bike shorts) to keep everything in after birth. You will find that your tummy is exceptionally flappy straight after birth and these shorts promise to help your body get back into shape quicker. There are Leggings, Shorts or Mini Shorts available.
  • Hydralyte Electrolyte – during labour hydrolyte is a great drink to keep salt and sugar levels up. It might be just what you need to get your through labour.
  • Benefiber powder/Movicol – these are stool softeners that will help keep everything running regular after birth. It will be scary to go to the toilet for a number 2 after birth and the last thing you want is to have to strain a lot. A soft stool is preferred and some of our mums also held some paper pressed against their lady bits while pooing. It is not necessary, but it might make you feel more comfortable.
  • Baby hat – our sunshine is relentless, so a baby hat can be essential for when you take baby outside, even if it is only for a short stroll to the car. Tiny Bunny Knot Hat or Pure Baby Little Bear Hat.
  • Car seat – you are not allowed to take your baby home from hospital without a proper car seat. Some mums shared stories of how their midwives needed to check their car seats before they could go home. Not all hospitals are this serious about it, but you definitely want a car seat that will keep your baby safe when traveling back home.
  • Nice cuddle blanket – to wrap your baby or to snuggle up yourself, a nice cuddle blanket is always a comfort to have with you. Cable Knit Blanket or Knitted Pointelle Blanket.
  • Granny undies – our mums had a lot to say about these, so we have written an entire section about it: The 14 Best Maternity Underwear.
Kmart Metal Spray Bottle
Kmart Wheat Heat Bag
Lansinoh Nipple Cream
Lansinoh® Nursing Pads
Apple 5W USB Power Adapter
Apple Lightning to USB Cable
Belkin 12W USB-A Wall Charger
XCD Essentials 1m USB-C to USB-A Cable
Kleenex Facial Tissues Extra Care Aloe Vera
Blistex Lip Conditioning Balm
Capelli Ladies Hair Tie Multi Black and White Pack
T2 Gorgeous Geisha Teabag Icon Tin
T2 Green Rose Teabag Icon Tin
Fruitalicious Loose Leaf Icon Tin
Palmolive Travel Minis
Palmer’s Trial & Travel Essentials Pack
Colgate Travel Pack
Libra Extra Long Maternity Pads Wings
Stayfree Maternity Extra Long Pads
TOM Organic Maternity Pads
U by Kotex Maternity Pads
Cottons Maternity Pads With Wings
Kmart Notebook
Apple Ipod
Kmart Pink Palm Double Wall Insulated Drink Bottle with Handle
Kmart Winter Jungle Double Wall Insulated Drink Bottle
SRC Recovery Leggings
SRC Recovery Shorts
SRC Recovery Short – Mini
Hydralyte Electrolyte Orange
Benefiber Original
Movicol Lemon Lime Flavour Sachets for Adults
Tiny Bunny Knot Hat
Pure Baby Little Bear Hat
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