The Best Care For Your Pregnant Body

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Unsure About Do's & Don'ts

Yay, you are pregnant and a tiny little human is growing in your belly. How wonderful! Your doctor may have provided you with a list of things you should not eat. You might also be wondering what things you can and cannot do while you are pregnant. For sure you do not want to do anything that would harm this tiny little miracle, but you also want to continue to live a normal life. In those first months, when you might not be feeling well, it might even be hard to eat or do anything at all. How do you take care of yourself, so that your baby will be able to thrive and grow into that wonderful little baby that you have been dreaming off? Read what our mums have said about how they take care of themselves and what things they eat and the things they try to stay away from. It will help you to make decisions for yourself. Most importantly, take care of yourself and enjoy this special time!

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Pregnant Body Care

Pregnancy is a natural state and you should be able to carry on as normal but for many of us pregnancy is also something that only occurs a few times in our lives. It definitely can put some pressure and some strain on your body. You do not really have to eat for two, but you definitely need more nutrition and healthy food to grow a healthy baby. Do not worry too much, your growing baby will be able to extract most of the nutrition it needs from your body, no matter what you eat. However, to have a healthy and happy pregnancy, it is important to feed your body the nutrition that will give you the energy to keep going strong. There are also a few things that you might want to avoid. We all know about stop smoking and no drinking, but are there other things? Do not get overly concerned, your baby is very well protected in the uterus; not much will happen to them. But read about the things you better avoid to keep you both safe. When you feel like you have had a hard time or when you want to treat yourself, there are great wellness options for mums to be that will help you to relax and recharge your body. Especially now that you are growing a tiny human being, you might want to treat your body at times. It is a great idea to do that with a nice treatment.

Our Mum’s Tips

Good For A Pregnant Body

Our mums often shared their thoughts and ideas around what to do and not do during pregnancy. It is interesting to observe how we tend to be less specific with these things after the first, like we realise that it is not super important. Women all over the world grow babies in very different circumstances and with very different diets. We have been doing that for ages. Familiarise yourself with the things that would benefit you and the things you might want to avoid, so that you will be able to make the best choices for yourself and your baby. However, most of us definitely stick to these things:

  • No smoking and drinking – no brainers, we all know that these things are not healthy for us, so definitely not a good idea when you are pregnant. Smoking and drinking can harm your unborn baby. Think about this before your get pregnant and maybe try to stop smoking or drink less, before you try to get pregnant to make it easier for yourself. Need some help? Check out these support services to quit smoking or limit your drinking.
  • No raw meats, fish, eggs – your body’s immune system is not the same when you are pregnant; you can easily get sick and even a tiny bit of illness can harm your unborn baby. Well done meat, fish and eggs it is, for the next 9 months!
  • No unpasteurised cheese – definitely no unpasteurised cheese as these can contain listeria too. Try to avoid soft cheeses, especially the mould-ripened/veined soft cheeses. However, it is fine to eat pasteurised hard cheeses, so try to indulge on these instead. Check out The Smelly Cheese Shop who delivers cheese to 98% of Australia!
  • Cooked sushi – raw fish is a ‘no-no’ but if you really miss your sushi night, choose the fully cooked sushi versions. Still be careful and only eat freshly made sushi, as the product is prone to bacteria growth. Order your sushi with Sushi Sushi online.
  • Deli meats – Deli meats can have harmful bacteria on them, so if you want some, try to go for freshly sliced or packaged meats and do not store them too long.
  • Pregnancy massage – to relax your body and to ease any pains caused by pregnancy, there is special pregnancy massage. Treat your body with this! Find pregnancy massage near you [WA, NSW, VIC, NT,ACT,TAS,SA,QLD].
  • Meditation – meditation is known to recharge your body better than sleep, so if you feel very tired and are sleep deprived, try some meditation. It might help you get through a long day. These online services are well loved by our mums.
  • Yoga/Pilates – great relaxation and yoga/pilates also helps to build strength and flexibility. These are great for a pregnant body. Your body has quite the task to accomplish, so if you can help it cope by building muscle strength and preparing your body for birth, that is one of the best things you can do. Check out these great online services available to you (yoga and pilates).
  • No warm baths – when you are pregnant your body is producing more heat and a warm bath might overheat your body that much, that is might be harmful for your growing baby. Remember that your baby will always be 1 or 2 degrees warmer in your uterus. However, good news, floatation is at body temperature and therefore is safe for pregnant women. It is better to do this in your 2nd or 3rd trimester but some mums said that they were able to hear their baby’s heartbeat while in the water. Such a nice bonding experience! Find a floatation service near you [WA, NSW, VIC, NT, ACT, TAS, SA,QLD].
  • Sleep – if you are lucky enough to not have to run after older children while pregnant, our mum’s advice to sleep as much as you can while pregnant. You will likely be tired, sleep is very good for your body and you will be sleep deprived once your baby is here. Make the most of it now! Do it in style with this lovely maternity sleepwear. Or check out this super cute sleep outfit from Peter Alexander!
  • Walks – walking is one of the best activities for pregnant women. It is a good exercise to keep your body flexible and to get enough exercise, but it also helps to get baby in the perfect position for birth. A nice walk can also be a very relaxing experience, so put on your boots and get out there! Look at these great walking boots at BCF. They might be just what you need to get out there.
  • Babymoon – before your baby is here, try to enjoy some relaxation time with your hubby (or your current family). There are busy times ahead and having some time to enjoy each other and relax is one of the best things you can do. It will be such a good memory later on! Check out our post about babymoons and book your well-deserved holiday.
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The Products & Services Our Mums Love During Pregnancy

In relation to the above, our mums loved to use the following products and services. Take your pick and enjoy your pregnancy!

  • Embrace Life at North Lakes is a health and wellness centre in Brisbane. Our mums love this one for its services, the free drop-in baby clinic and the available lactation specialists.
  • Michelle English is a doula in Queensland who provides women with support through the journey of pregnancy, birth and beyond. She is an experienced massage practitioner and includes pregnancy massage in her services.
  • For pregnancy yoga our mums love to follow Physio Laura on YouTube. Check out her many videos on pregnancy yoga and other pregnancy related topics.
  • Check out these pregnancy pilates videos on YouTube. It is another exercise that our mums love to use during their pregnancy to stay fit and strong while relaxing their bodies.
  • Our mums love to listen to relaxation hypnosis on Spotify to relax and recharge to get through a long day or to help themselves get to sleep.
Reypenaer VSOP 24 Months
Swiss Gruyère AOP
Mons Comté (Tunnel) 18 Months
Sushi Sashimi Deluxe
Peter Alexander Maternity Navy Chic Satin Pj Set
Winterburn Women’s Boots
Pregnancy Massage Perth (WA)
Signature Pregnancy Massage Sydney (NSW)
Daylesford Day Spa ‘Mums to Be’ Massage (VIC)
Viga Pregnancy Massage Darwin (NT)
HerBaby: Pregnancy Massages Canberra (ACT)
Sandy Bay Pregnancy massage (TAS)
Swiss Wellness Expectant Mother Massage Adelaide (SA)
Ripple Pregnancy Massage (QLD)
Float Tank Perth – Floatation Therapy (WA)
Cocoon Floatation (NSW)
Float House Melbourne Float Therapy (VIC)
iFloat Life (Float Tank)
Float Above Canberra (ACT)
Liquidzen Launceston (TAS)
The Float Room Adelaide (SA)
The Float Space (QLD)